Sakarya University (Turkish: Sakarya Üniversitesi), regularly labeled simply as SAU, is a community research university situated in Sakarya, chicken.
Considered among the biggest universities in chicken having its more than 85.000 students, Sakarya University has actually very high study task and its own extensive graduate program provides doctoral levels in Science, tech, Engineering, and Humanities, plus professional degrees in operation, medication, law, medical, personal work and dentistry. It hosts five different institutes: Educational Sciences, Natural Sciences, wellness Sciences, Social Sciences, and Middle East Institute.
In chicken, Sakarya University may be the first and only condition college receiving the ISO-2002 high quality certification and "the EFQM Excellence Quality Certificate of Competency Level".
The nucleus of Sakarya University, whoever goal should teach people by a myriad of equipment modern-day society needs, happens to be created by class of Engineering and Architecture founded in 1970 associated with Istanbul Specialized University. This school has actually changed into the State Academy of Engineering and Architecture in 1971 and served as a faculty from 1982 to 1992.
Initially founded as Sakarya Engineering and Architecture in 1970, it renamed as Sakarya State Engineering and Architecture Academy in 1971. It started Master of Science and Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) programs in 1980. The programs had been executed by İTÜ (İstanbul Technical University) Institute of Pure and systems. It had been bounded to İstanbul Technical University as Sakarya Engineering Faculty in 1982. Vocational institutes of Sakarya and Düzce were bounded to this lady at same 12 months. Finally It left from ITÜ and became Engineering Faculty of Sakarya University in 1992. Düzce Vocational class left from Sakarya Engineering Faculty and bounded to Abant Izzet Baysal University during the exact same 12 months. Eventually, Sakarya University ended up being established in line with the Law No. 3837 dated July 3, 1992.
Among the universities created in the 1990s, Sakarya University features set one example because not merely its success in conclusion of educational devices and technical infrastructure but its advances in laboratories, academic and social solutions, internet infrastructure and informatics also.
Set of Faculties[edit]
This is the first and founding faculty of Sakarya University. Initially established as “Sakarya School of Engineering and Architecture” in 1970, the institution was named as “Sakarya Faculty of Engineering” in 1992. It provides eight various departments, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, and Food Engineering.
- Professors of Computer and Ideas Sciences
Established in 1997, the Faculty of Education sustains its educational task in Hendek Campus. It's the largest professors finding outside of the primary campus.
Initially set up as Faculty of financial and Administrative Sciences in July 1992, the professors had been reorganized beneath the title professors of Political Sciences in May, 2014 including five different departments, Political Science and Public management, Overseas Relations, Economics, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Public Finance, and Financial Econometrics.
- Professors of Specialized Education
- Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Created in 1997, the faculty hosts three divisions as Painting, Ceramics and Traditional Turkish Handicrafts.
Created in 1992, it is positioned not in the main campus. Along with its a lot more than 80 scholastic staff, Faculty Of Theology provides undergraduate and graduate education to around 3500 pupils.
- Faculty of correspondence,
Created in 2012, it hosts four departments, Public Relations and Advertising, Journalism, Radio-Television and Cinema and Communication Sciences.
- Professors of Sport Sciences
The Sakarya University Library[edit]
Sakarya University Library comprises almost 10 specific libraries. Of them, the Suleyman Demirel Library could be the biggest solitary collection when you look at the Sakarya University Library System, and it is one of several largest buildings regarding the campus. In 1995, the Suleyman Demirel Library relocated into its existing building, which takes care of a 7000 m2 section and it is positioned in a location of 5000 m2. In 2014, one more building ended up being opened, containing numerous study areas, and reading areas.
The Sakarya University Library, with professors libraries and vocational school libraries, have more than 710.000 pieces of information source (above 700.000 books, 7.620 thesis papers, 3.717 CDs and DVDs) and 1.766 printed journals in total. Into the classification of this publications and journals, Dewey Classification System is used. It's also feasible to use inter library loan center when required. Through electric database subscriptions, a through electric accessibility many publications and journals, and two-century-old archive of recognized log, “Time”, has also been made possible to users.
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