Hasan S. Kortay – TRNC Educational and Cultural Attache – showed up during the course which began at 10:30 was at Yunus Emre Centre for Turkish community and was specifically for the instructors who're appointed from Turkey and TRNC and for the teachers that are working at Turkish schools.
Ertanç Hidayettin whom made a presentation on “Child cover” each day between the hours of 10:30 – 12:30, enlightened about ‘Children’s Rights and Child Protection in UK’. The presentation took place in a very interactive way and wound up with a Q&A session that shed lights on the problems which educators wondered.
After the lunch time break, between the hours of 13:00 – 14:30, Kemal Dedezade made a presentation on ‘British knowledge program’ where he discussed how the college administrations and the curriculums in British Schools tend to be performed; exactly how KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 class levels tend to be separated across age brackets and specially exactly how GSCE and A-Level exams take place as well as in which many years the courses for the people exams tend to be taken.
The presentation moved really interactively with all the questions and enlightened all the participating teachers about British Education program. Participants, who contains the teachers among Turkish Schools’ administrators, teachers and government officials, emphasized features of these workshops and asked for continuation of this seminars.